Friday, September 12, 2008

Reading Again

I was one of those kids that burned through 3 or 4 novels a week easily and when I told my mom I was out of books she would sigh because we had just gone to the library 4 days earlier. My best birthday memory was the year I turned 8 and my mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday with the reminder that she could only spend $30 dollars. I told her I wanted as many books as she could get me for that amount of money, and she did it. Between garage sales and sale racks she bought a box full of books that lasted me for a few months. I honestly cannot think of a better childhood birthday!

One of my personal goals for the year has been to read more adult fiction. As of January 1, 2008 I believe I had read 3 novels TOTAL in the previous 2 years. Having 2 babies in that amount of time will do that- my reading time was taken up with parenting books and career-related books. I determined to read more this year and I've been doing well- I'm in the middle of my 14th novel this year. I don't keep track of the non-fiction books I go through because I go through those like crazy!

I read my first Philippa Gregory novel about 2 months ago and I'm now on my third novel by her. I started with The Other Boleyn Girl, moved on to The Constant Princess, and now I'm on The Boleyn Inheritance. Boy, have I missed historical fiction! Her books have gotten me into "a novel per week" pace in the last few months. I read other things in between her books while I'm waiting for them to come in at the library just because there is a waiting list on every single one of her books! Otherwise I believe I would have finished the whole Tudor series by now.

As soon as I finish The Boleyn Inheritance I have Private Demon by Lynn Viehl waiting. After that is Club Dead by Charlaine Harris, then hopefully The Queen's Fool (Philippa Gregory) will be in. I've had Twilight by Stephenie Meyer on my nightstand since my birthday a few months ago but haven't really felt like reading it yet. Also on my nightstand, Pretties by Scott Westerfield.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Out of Order

I'm a symmetrical person. I like simple clean lines around me and I like my world to have order. I love to make lists and plan ahead. On the other hand, I like some spontenaity amidst all of my planning.

I'm still trying to figure out the best way to teach my son, so planning for this year was kind of difficult. We're kind of eclectic right now while I'm figuring out what works for both of us. I originally thought we'd mostly be doing unit study type things, some lapbooks and lots of reading, but it turns out my boy wants "papers." He wants papers with directions, I think because he's very goal oriented (like his daddy!). So we're doing a bit of everything and we'll see where it takes us.

I was a classroom teacher for 5 years before Big Kid was born, but I feel like I'm starting over. I really don't feel like doing lots of seat work is a good idea at 3 years old, which is why I'm leaning Montessori. I'm reading a lot of Montessori materials right now and everything I read I find myself nodding in agreement. But on the other hand, this feels completely the opposite of what I "should" be doing. It's like starting over with everything I know about teaching- like everything is out of order, but I think this will be good.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I have several dear friends online through different communities- knitting, scrapbooking, reading, and pregnancy boards. A friend from my youngest son's birth board has a son just 2 weeks older than Little Bit and it has been such a blessing to have her companionship while our little boys have grown together.

This morning she shared the most terrible news. Her son died yesterday just shy of 15 months old, an accidental drowning. I cannot even begin to imagine what she and her husband are suffering. They have an older son and they just found out a few days ago that they are expecting again . The entire pregnancy board is grieving with their family.

I hold my son close and I pray for their boy and their peace and recovery from this tragic accident.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook 2

This is the Simple Woman’s Daybook for Monday September 8.

 Please stop by Peggy’s for other Daybook links!

Outside my Window… I can hear the wind blowing as we prepare for more rain and more flooding in our area.

I am thinking…How tired I am after this long day.

From the learning rooms… letter T this week. Big Kid is stuck on the "TR" sound he doesn't think train and tree and tiger go together because they all start with T... he thinks that only train and tree go together because they both start with TR. Big Kid is starting to do a little bit of addition with daddy since he was already figuring it out on his own.

I am thankful for… the mother of one of my piano students today... she asked if we were all healthy yet when they came for lessons, and I told her about our terrible weekend of congestion and fevers. When I came out of the studios after her children's lessons she had cleaned my entire kitchen for me. Such a blessing!

From the kitchen… We made bagels for the first time this morning! They turned out very well, so I'm going to add them to the breakfast food baking schedule. :)

I am wearing… My pajamas- it has been a long day and I'm in bed with the laptop waiting for Superman to finish up with his studying!

I am reading… The Boleyn Inheritance by Phillipa Greggory and Montessori Today by Paula Polk Lillard.

I am hoping…to get the boys winter clothes out and to pack up the clothes they've outgrown sometime this week.

I am creating… still baby blankets! I still need to bind and tie the two baby quilts and I'm trying to decide if I should just scrap the knitted one.

I am hearing… The Transformers Movie in the background.

Around the house… Everything is quiet. I caught up on laundry all day today between taking care of the boys and teaching students, and I got all of the sheets changed. The house is not in its best shape at the moment- with all the illness we've had in the last week I've spent all my time mothering/wife-ing for the sick husband and kids, which is how it should be... I just have to catch up now!

One of my favorite things… is making time to read. I've had that realization in the last few days. If I can read a fiction book even for just 5 or 10 minutes at night it helps to renew me for the next day.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week… Heading to the library, piano lessons on Saturday, studio paperwork, and some free time to myself on 2 weeknights after the boys are in bed while Superman takes finals for 2 classes.
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