Yarning along with Ginny...
I am on to reading The Hunger Games this week and it is going much faster than The Red Pyramid did! I'm still only reading a bit at night though. since my available reading time is crunched right now- just 10 more days and we'll be on our slimmed down summer schedule. It's such a difficult book to put down...
I'm also still reading John Adams a bit at a time and enjoying the history quite a bit. The biographies I've read in recent months have convinced me quite thoroughly to be sure to tie all of our homeschool history studies to actual people instead of simply the dates and basics of the big events like my husband and I (and I'm sure quite a lot of people) did in school.
The knit is still Omelet [Rav link] and I am almost as far as I'd hoped for last week... I am almost through the 4th repeat of the B chart, with the first 10 rows of chart B to go again after I finish this repeat. Then on to the next chart. Maybe I will be through chart C by next week? I'm secretly hoping to have this finished by the end of May, and that might be possible with the amount of time we've spent waiting in doctor's offices we've been to for my mother-in-law.
There is no real hurry though, and I try to remember that when I put self-imposed deadlines up.
Do you set knitting deadlines for yourself?