I am listening to... back to Steven Curtis Chapman's Beauty Will Rise
I am wearing... Jeans and a black long sleeve tee. Simple and easy is the motto this week.
I am thankful for...
My sweet Ezra who cuddles with me every single morning.
Ender's new found independence (this kid is trying new htings right and left thses days- quite the opposite of the little one he was just 6 months ago!)
A husband at home with us, instead of several states away.
I am thinking... about God's grace. ALWAYS about grace.
I am reading... The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and A Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola. Our family read aloud is Alice in Wonderland (tonight will be our final chapter!) and then on to The Wizard of Oz.
I am creating... I'm having a little stand off with the mitten thumbs right now, so I started the hats for the boys. Ezra's is the fish hat, and Ender's is this sweet elephant hat. [rav links]
Still in progress: the KAL shawl and a baby gift for a little one due any day now!
Always learning... We are still taking advantage of being outside before icy weather starts up, so there isn't a lot of "real work" going on here. Instead, we're collecting pine cones, comparing leaves and going on long walks.
Around the house... with our recent lay off news the remodel is on hold a bit. We are still replacing the two broken windows since those are necessary, but the other windows, the paint and other "freshening up" decorating will have to wait.
I am planning... on nothing for awhile. After last week I'm counting on nothing to be what it actually is.
I am hoping... that the job that is supposed to come through on Monday actually does and commits to the full project they have planned. It would mean a solid year of work for Brian. This project has been "supposed to start" for a few weeks now, then was announced to be premanently on hold, but now is slated to start 9/27.
I am praying ... for steady employment for my husband. He has worked in this industry for almost three years, and while there have been slow weeks and even a slow month here and there, there have never been periods of "no work". The constant back and forth is wearing on both of us and last week was one of the most worrisome for us so far, as it sounded like the company he contracts for would decide to pull out of this city altogether. He has been looking for other work for almost 2 years now. We continue to pray.
One of my favorite things... morning oatmeal now that the days are cooler.
A few plans for the rest of the week... finishing the room swap we started last week, another library trip, an introduction to estimation for Ender, and a quiet calm weekend.