I've recently started reading Jen over at the Conversion Diaries. I found her through Elizabeth Foss's blog, and I spent my free time over 3 days reading most of it. I've enjoyed her writing quite a bit and that's where I saw the Seven Quick Takes thing. Be sure to go check her out!
1. I'm still trying to figure out the "Work" thing with Big Kid. There are a few works he's had out on his shelves for several weeks that he has had a lesson on and then used maybe once. I've offered another lesson on a few of them but he's not interested. They are all number related works, and his real interest is letters and words right now. Should I put those away and bring them out later or should I leave them out even if he doesn't touch them for months?
2. Big Kid has been really focused on 1 certain activity. First thing during work time he asks me to write a few words for him and then he traces them or tries to write them. I ask which words he would like to write and he tells me- usually it's his name or his brother's name, occasionally he'll ask for other people's names. The last few days it has been words from Charlotte's Web which we're reading before bed, but again only the names Charlotte and Wilbur. What is the fascination with names?
3. Little Bit is desperate to have the binomial cube. I know he's too young to work it correctly, but it's one of his brother's favorite works and he sees it out all the time. He is dying to get that one! I'm tempted to give him a lesson on it and see what he does since he's so fascinated. That would be a hoot. The child can't say a word but he can put together the binomial cube . . .
4. I've really been immersed in Montessori for months now. I've begun branching out just a little and looking toward Charlotte Mason and Waldorf. Anyone have any advice on particular sources to read? I'm specifically looking for Waldorf resources.
5. I'm in a creative slump. I'm having a hard time being motivated to finish up the boys handmade gifts for Christmas and I really have to get going on them!
6. 27 has been a bad age so far. I'm only a few months in and already not so good. I've been thinking quite a lot about changes to make. Someone once told me that 27 is an age of unrest and I'm definitely feeling it. Superman asked me the other night if I was having a 1/3 life crisis. I think maybe I am.
7. We're really enjoying Chuck. As in we've DVR'd every episode and we watch the old episodes while waiting the week for new episodes. We're both giant geeks.
Weather: Cold still, but not so bitter thank goodness!
This Week: I'm teaching in the studio most of today and for just a few hours tomorrow. Wednesday we're having our own mini-Thanksgiving with just the four of us and putting up the Christmas tree. I'm looking forward to the tree decorating this year! Big Kid knows a lot more about what's going on this year and he'll get to really help put the tree together this year. Last year he kind of stuck a few things on the tree, but didn't really think much of it. I hope he'll find it a little more exciting this time around. I'm also curious to see what Little Bit thinks.
We're spending Thursday and Friday with family and then the weekend is all about recovery.
Current Fiction Read: Gale Force by Rachel Caine. I *love* this series and I'm glad to finally be reading this latest installment. I'm on a book-buying diet (Trying to limit it to only school related things for the kids) so I had to wait until my library got a copy of the book. I'm about 1/3 of the way through and love it so far! She creates such interesting storylines. I've temporarily given up on Twilight, but I'm hoping to devote a bit of time to getting into it over the holiday weekend.
Current Non-Fiction Read: Going back through sections of Basic Montessori by David Gettman for thoughts on starting my 16-month-old with Montessori.
Craftiness: There hasn't been much knitting this week. I made a little progress on Little Bit's knit kangaroo, but that's all. He still has no mittens, poor guy! I finished trimming the stack of muslin blocks for Reed's Quilt but haven't put them together yet.
Learning at home: Little Bit is doing much better about keeping to his own shelves. I did him a disservice and basically just put his normal toys on the shelves, but I think he knew the difference and kept going to his brother's shelves because that was where the "special stuff" was. So Little Bit now has on his shelves a few puzzles, shape makers (thanks to the lovely idea over at Chasing Cheerios), jenga blocks (he loves stacking these blocks!), and a sponge activity where he has to take clothespins off of a thin sponge. I got that idea elsewhere, but cannot recall where. I also have paper on a clipboard with 1 colored pencil out for him. He really loves this, and I finally got brave enough to let him have access to it whenever he would like.
Little Bit knows how to lay a mat already- in fact, he's seen his big brother do it so many times he insists on having a mat, even if he's just playing with his regular toys. He helps me and Big Kid with chores each day and thinks it's pretty cool to wipe windows and tables.
I also have set up 1 shelf that is for both boys on it we have a block puzzle, the first color box (Big Kid still likes this work, even though he has color box 2 on his shelves that he uses well), and a few puzzles that both boys enjoy.
New work: 3 Part Cards featuring animals and the pink card series for Big Kid.