Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Pair #8

We took a little road trip last weekend and I decided to take 2 projects: The Braid Hills Cardigan I cast on about two week ago, and the House Targaryen Socks I've been working on since Stitches Midwest. My guideline for the knitting was to work on the sock whenever I might need to start and stop frequently and to work on the cardigan in blocks of time, probably evenings. The great thing about traveling with a toddler is the fact that we will be done for the day and back in the hotel ready to head to bed no later than 7:30 p.m., guaranteeing me evenings to rest and knit.

The cardigan is my #kiltmenowkal/#countdowntooutlander project and it's going well so far- I put about 3 inches on it over the weekend, and learned a new-to-me buttonhole. I'm at a point where I can knit, knit, knit through the body aside from the little cables and buttonholes, so I'm happily clicking away on it and can now knit on it without bigger blocks of time.

The House Targaryen socks are officially done- well, they're still drying after a wash and block, but counted as complete! I turned the heel of the second sock on the drive down, and worked on it in bits and pieces through the weekend, grafting the toe as we pulled into our neighborhood. LOVE the perfect timing. These are the 8th pair I've completed for myself in 2014, 9th overall. And with that I'm on a sock knitting hiatus until I finish a few other things on my knit list.

I've been reading Outlander on the kindle again to refresh it in my mind before watching the t.v. show. I finished it and moved on to The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst. I have so many books just waiting to be read and not enough time to read them!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Midnight Fiber and Fabric Podcast, Episode 19: Knitting Investments

This week I worked on the House Targaryen Socks, finished the Little Flower Hat, and cast on for the Braid Hills Cardigan.

Patty Lyons introduced me to Knitter's Graph Paper.

I talk about taking the time to invest in your knits by selecting great materials and planning ahead.

You can join in on the podcast conversation on:

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