Outside my window… It is sunny, but cool enough for open windows. Beautiful, beautiful morning. In fact we'll be heading outside in just a few minutes.
I am thinking… about how busy life is in these next few weeks and repeating over and over to myself that everything will work out. Superman is swamped with papers and midterm prep on top of his regular work schedule and is also studying for a test that he must pass to graduate. Ender will be four in just three short weeks. Ezra is potty training.
I am thankful for… my sister and her special spidey sense that her older sister just might need a cherry limeade.
From the learning rooms… This week we're having a circle time of sorts- Ender told me that because there are only three of us that really means it's triangle time since triangles have 3 sides . . . ahem. For our circle triangle time we're each choosing a song to sing, we read a picture book or two and talk about the weather a bit. From there we're doing a bit with new Montessori work and phonics. Both boys are spending a lot of time coloring lately, and Ender is making a lot of mail for grandparents and aunts and uncles.
From the kitchen… Not a lot! I'm collecting recipes so that I can make 3 or 4 things to freeze or make ahead on the weekend in peparation for the week. I'd appreciate any suggestions for meals that freeze well!
I am wearing… an ankle length red linen skirt that I made a few weeks ago, a black tank top and black sweater over top.
I am creating… activities for the next few weeks for the boys- a few morning trips to a local orchard, a trip to pick out pumpkins and gourds in October and lots of time outside while the weather is good.
I am going… nowhere. AGAIN. I'm still getting used to this schedule and I'm not willing to give up my quiet(ish) mornings at home quite yet.
I am reading… Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder
I am hoping… to be able to drive a ways to see a good friend over the weekend. It has been too long.
I am hearing… Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Ezra *loves* this show and talks along with it the whole time. He's saying so many things now!
Around the house… So far no one has perished in the laundry mountain and I tamed most of it over the weekend. That was quite interesting. Over the summer I fell into the habit of doing laundry just twice a week on two of the days I had off, but now those two extra days off are gone and I really need to do a load each day to stay reasonably on top of things (particularly since I would prefer to do no house cleaning or laundry on Sundays).
One of my favorite things… extra sleep. :)
A few plans for the rest of the week . . . I really want to find a few minutes to finish up a few crafty things that have been hanging around and will only take a bit to complete- washcloths need surging (I think I can finish all of them in 30 minutes if I just sit down and do them) and Superman's new pants need to be hemmed. Later in the week I'll be buying fabric for Ender's birthday gifts and getting started on those too!
Here is picture thought I am sharing… My almost-4-year-old at about 5 months old- I can't even believe it!
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