Friday, February 8, 2013

This Week

This was our one week that happens every so often and makes our family a little crazy- the week both Brian and I work Monday-Thursday. Not a lot is accomplished by anyone this week, and that is okay.

On the Needles...

I'm finishing up little baby things for this weekend's baby shower and I also finished the first sock in my pair of annual socks.

I read...

Still working on The Mysterious Benedict Society because I can only seem to read a page or two before falling asleep this week.

In the Kitchen...

I usually reserve this space for things we've made in the past week, but our refrigerator died early this week and I think it's worth noting. I was able to move several things to the freezer that we caught in time, and the repair guy is supposed to make it today.


I caught up on Downton Abbey Monday night. Oh my goodness! It should have had a "tissues required" warning at the beginning.


I listened to the Knitmore Girls ep. 216, and a few back episodes of Stuff You Missed in History Class.

This weekend...

It's a busy one- we have a birthday party for my nephew, craft night, and a double baby shower.

1 comment:

  1. I'm still catching up on DA....tissues???? Oh my goodness!!!


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