Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Right Front, Left Front

{Knitting along with Ginny today. Will you join us?}

Yesterday I worked diligently on the right front around the activities of the day. I gained several inches, and I'm about an hour away from the shoulder shaping. Today, around work and kids I'm hoping to finish up this right front and start the left front.

Isn't the edging pretty? It's super simple as well, save a little time consuming for two rows. But it's just two rows. :)

I work and have a meeting on Thursday, but it's also knit night (which I shall be late getting to, due to the meeting) so that will give me a few dedicated hours. I can knit for a portion of Friday, but we have an eye doctor visit and friends coming to visit and cleaning up and packing for a mini-trip, so we'll see how much knitting is actually done in the in between bits.

We have a pretty good chunk of car time this weekend that will help with the knitting volume, but I think I can see the results from here: I do think I'll get all my pieces done, but I doubt they will be seamed come Sunday. I will not have time to block them before Sunday and I don't want to mess with trying to seam unblocked pieces.

I've just started reading The Immune System Cure, the first in what I'm sure will be a long string of books on this particular subject. I am in the process of being diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder that is causing all sorts of weird problems, and possibly all the issues I've been having with my left hand and arm lately. I'm seeing my neurologist again next week as well as the rheumatologist, and the rheumatology appointment will likely be a final diagnosis. Right now I'm in the information gathering stage of my research and I'm just looking for anything that will help me understand how to better take care of myself with an auto-immune disorder.


  1. Your project looks great! I had to modify my plan and I won't be finished by Sunday night either. Oh well. At some point we will have beautiful sweaters!

  2. I hope you find some answers to your health issues.

  3. I love the edging!!! I need to add different edgings to my projects and not be so hum drum. Thank so much for stopping by :) Tricia @ farmishmomma

  4. The edging is so pretty Erin and you have really gotten a lot of knitting accomplished.

    I hope you find some answers about your health. I was diagnosed with an auto- immune disease in my early twenties, but as long as I do what I'm suppose to I feel pretty good.

  5. Good luck as you zero in on the diagnosis. Let me know if I can be of any help, I've lived with my auto immune disease 15+ years. Most of the time I feel great :)


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