Monday, March 31, 2014

Knitting Tutorials

I love a good tutorial, especially the ones with video or pictures. I'm pretty good about being able to read directions and put those thoughts into action, but sometimes just a picture or two really helps me to understand the process better.

My favorite tutorial site is most definitely Knitting Help. I came across this site as a new knitter and it helped me to be fearless about trying new-to-me (and sometimes too-difficult-for-me-at-the-time) techniques. I knew I could just watch the video for the new stitch or skill over and over and over until I got it, so I jumped in and learned a LOT by just trying new things.

I've been collecting other lovely bits of knitting advice and tutorials on my knitting pinterest board and thought I'd share a few today:

1. If you've been wanting to try a new heel on your socks, there is a wonderful tutorial on afterthought heels by April at Studio Strategos. It is not step-by-step instruction- she assumes you've knit socks and understand how to knit a toe, etc., but it is perfect advice for someone like me who just wants to try something new. I'm going to use her advice on a pair of socks in the very near future.

2. If you haven't seen this already and you're not a big believer in blocking, go read this now.

I'll wait.

What looks like a little post about "Oh, hey there- I blocked this finished item" is really a mini-treatise on how and why to block and why you should take the time to block everything once it is finished at least once.

Blocking just makes things better. It won't fix major mistakes, but it does even out your stitches and helps everything hang properly. Even just taking a minute to lay a wet piece flat if I'm in a hurry is better than leaving an item completely unblocked.

3. I love this little tutorial and write-up by Ysolda Teague for the 1-row buttonhole. Simple and sweet, and really pretty when it is finished. She also takes on Elizabeth Zimmermann's 3-row buttonhole opinions in a charming way, so if you are an EZ fan you might find a little laugh in this post.

Do you have any wonderful tutorials to share? Anything you are planning to try in the near future? Anything you WISH you had a tutorial for?

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