It's one of those things you never even imagine having to say: "DON'T VACUUM YOUR BROTHER!"
Both of my boys absolutely love the vacuum cleaner. So I vacuum first and then let them take turns pushing and pulling the vacuum. It's a great way to wear them out before nap time!
Do you Vacuum or do you sweep? I use vacuum and sweep interchangeably, but Superman insists that sweeping is when you use a broom or dustmop and vacuuming is called "hoovering" (even though our vacuum is not a Hoover). I know this is a blistering hot topic, but does it matter? What do you say?
Enjoyed both marshmallow construction and vacuuming with your guys today! It is difficult to do Montessori dog activities with marshmallows, but potato chips seem to be a good incentive for obedience!