I am thinking… about getting started on sewing and knitting Christmas gifts.
I am thankful for… this short work week. I need some extra time with my boys and a bit of a mental break.
Always Learning… We are working on sight words with Ender and he's working on reading the first set of BOB books. He also has been asking a lot about money again, so I checked out a coin book from the library for him and we are working on naming coins and knowing values. He is forever asking me about how many cents something costs, so we also talked about the dollar and cents sign this week and how to say the price of an item.
From the kitchen… I'mplanning on some roasted pumpkin seeds this week and maybe some pumpkin bread? Mmmmmm.
I am wearing… jeans and yet another black long sleeve shirt. I soooo need to branch out in my color choices!
I am creating… winter hats for the boys. I have never made hats before, but it's going pretty easily so far. NExt up? New Christmas stockings to sew.
I am going… to stay home and play with the boys this week!
I am reading… By the Shores of SilverLake by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
I am hoping… for a lot of sewing time in this free week!
I am hearing… the boys playing trucks. It is a long and favorite game every morning. :)
Around the house… I spent the weekend finishing up the clothing switchover and everyone's drawers are organized and ready for winter. Now I just have the jackets/hall closet to take care of and we're ready for snow!
One of my favorite things… My Dad. My mother was out of town for a quilting retreat so Dad asked to borrow the boys so he wouldn't be lonely. He had them almost all day Saturday and then they asked to stay overnight too! It was so much fun for them to have that much time with Papa, and I was able to finish up the ends of several projects at home.
A few plans for the rest of the week . . . going to pick out pumpkins, picking apples on the weekend, learning more about how trees grow and why the leaves change color in the fall.
Here is picture thought I am sharing… My birthday boy 4 years ago...
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