Thursday, October 15, 2009

Seven Quick Takes



If you'd like to read more quick takes, go have a look at Jennifer's place.




Know an introvert? Are you an introvert? You have to read this: Survival Guide for the Quieter Species. I'm an introvert. Working with my music students is fun and rewarding and the perfect job for me, but this much social contact every day of the week make me want to hunker down at home every other moment of the day.




Yesterday I asked Ender to hand me something and he said, "Sure," handed me the tool and paused for a moment. Then he said, "Mama, did you know that "sure" is the spanish word for "yes?"

I fell over laughing.




In Ezra news, he decided that minty blue adult toothpaste was a great treat yesterday morning and had himself a snack. One call to poison control and lots of milk later, he's just fine, but I'm trying to figure out how to get blue vomit out of the carpet. Thank goodness that's all I'm worrying about! (And the toothpaste is on a much higher shelf now.)




I got the newest Jennifer Weiner novel from the library today. I absolutely loved her first novel Good in Bed, and I have enjoyed some of her work since (namely Goodnight, Nobody- my favorite of hers so far) but some were less than exciting and I never could get into The Guy Not Taken. I really want a good chic lit read. All I've been reading this year is historical fiction and fantasy novels.




I've spent time reading  (and re-reading) Ann Voskamp's post, Seven Rungs. I'm trying to soak up the wisdom there and all that's on my mind lately is our home environment and how to simplify our daily rhythm to make room for the things that are important to me.




For some reason Ender hasn't been wanting to eat much at meals lately so our solution lately has been to have a "snack plate" for meals. So for lunch he might have a slice of ham, some cheese and apple slices- your usual lunch fare, but magically if we call it a "snack plate" he'll eat every bite. Call it lunch and he's not interested. Four-year-olds are tricky creatures.




I've been knitting up a storm this week- finished up both pairs of mittens and I'm almost done with hats for two little boys. I'm hunting a pattern for my niece for Christmas as my next project. She will be 3 months old at Christmas, and there are just way too many adorable patterns out there! Suggestions? Ravelry links?


  1. For some time now we have had to have the toothpaste up high. I don't know why the little ones like it. Our other option is to have a natural toothpaste, but the older ones don't like it
    Good luck with the blue stains, it sounds like hard work.
    god Bless

  2. After speaking with our dentist, the verdict is that no one who brushes well needs toothpaste at all. He is in favor of electric toothbrushes though. (I'm not)

    While visiting my daughter, we were in an Indian grocery store and picked up clove tooth paste to try. There must be something out there that is not poison! The most annoying thing to me is that the gravel industry uses toothpaste as an example of the public's NEED for gravel. It is a minuscule amount they use for it, but is it even needed at all? Ridiculous.

    I'll stick with water and a good brushing, maybe even flossing!

    Keep up the progress with Spanish! Hehehe. Our kids started French by Ezra's age and it was a fun time. Even 5 month old Ivy now enjoys songs from many lands.

  3. +JMJ+

    I'm also a teacher and an introvert! As much as I love my students, they totally exhaust me! =P Most of other teachers I know are extroverts.


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