Monday, February 21, 2011

For February

Today's Gratitudes...

11. The relief that comes after a week with sick little boys.

12. Extra knitting time this week.

13. Daisies still looking as bright as they did on Valentine's Day.

14. A few days of warmer weather, even though we know this winter is not over.

15. Unexpected visits from family.

Outside my window... another cold wet day, but it doesn't seem so bad after almost a full week of warmer weather.

I am listening to... Never Not Knitting podcasts while I've been cleaning this week.

I am wearing... a long black jersey skirt and a red blouse. I'm trying to branch out from the plain black I wear too much...

I am thinking... about first grade things still. I like to have a lot of time to consider and think through before making a decision, but I think I have an overall direction now.

I am reading... Found,  Redwall and One Thousand Gifts. Taking my time with Ann Voskamp's book.

I am creating... I've been working on this month's sock over the last few days and I've got a pretty big pile of almost finished sewing in preparation for Me-Made-March (hosted by Zoe) to finish up before March 1.

Always learning... we went to a local science center this week to explore the new water exhibit and ended up spending an entire morning there with plans to go back. It was so much fun exploring water pressure, currents, and building boats that would actually float.
Around the house... I'm planning some painting projects for this spring/summer and currently exploring colors. Brian is pretty set on a grey for the living room, and I'm trying to decide if I can be happy with that with the right accent colors. Thoughts?

I am planning... studio schedules for summer and fall- already! I can't believe summer enrollment hits in 6 weeks, followed shortly by fall enrollment...

Towards a growing faith... Back to getting up early this morning after a week of sleeping in. Getting up and down with sick boys all week really threw off my schedule. Back to normal today now that the boys are sleeping through the night again.

I am praying... for a dear friend possibly facing divorce. We are pouring prayers on her and her husband.

One of my favorite things... Dr. Pepper, but I'm trying to stay away. Caffeine has been wreaking havoc on my sleep and I really have to cut it completely to reset.

A few plans for the next week... getting back to normal around the house and in the studio, finishing up the details for our 10 year anniversary, a trip to the library for more YA to read, and much more sewing

1 comment:

  1. As to painting:
    I'd ask the boys for input. Daughter Sarah is presently working on the children's rooms. The oldest boy asked that a sunrise or sunset be painted in his room. His Dad loves to do such things. Big Boy is very excited about this! He gets his own bathroom in this deal too, so more changes will be made there.

    For the two little ones, they just finished covering bright blue walls with off white paint. The books, clothes and toys will be the happy colors there. There's a large Noah's Ark mosaic-style wall decoration being transferred there as well.

    For a livingroom, light gray can be lovely with bright red cushions and/or lamp shades. You could knit the cushion covers with cables or other wonderful stitches. Or use red plaid fabric perhaps.

    A friend had a gray living room that was super lovely with yellow and white details. Ask your boys and then take a vote a week later. :)


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