I love keeping track of my reads each year, but this year has been a little slim.
New Baby, new house, back to work, learning to balance the new changes- this year was already pretty full and extras like fiction reading were pushed aside a bit.
My goal is to read 20 fiction titles every year and this year I only made it to 15. I read a lot of YA titles- a lot were recommended to me by my students, and I like to be able to talk with them about what they are reading. Ender is also reading longer and longer books on his own, so some of my reading has served as pre-reading for him.
I'll answer all the questions completely spoiler free.
What was the best new (to you) author you discovered this year? Veronica Roth. I really enjoyed Divergent and Insurgent and look forward to more books from her.
What was your favorite new (to you) series? Legend by Marie Liu. It wasn't officially a series when I read it, but the second book comes out next month and I'm eagerly awaiting it.
Book that made you cry? The Giver. Such a serious thing in such a small book- a book everyone should read. I read it in middle school for a class and I have read it a few more times since then. I have really enjoyed going back through some of my favorite childhood reads as an adult. The difference in perspective is so interesting to me.
Book that made you laugh out loud? All Wound Up by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. Hilarious for knitters. :)
Book that totally changed your perspective on something? Okay, this is probably a silly answer, but Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith. He has written a bunch of books I will never ever read- I'm just not interested in reading a Pride and Prejudice that has been infested by zombies, you see. But after the raving review of a friend, I did read it and I *really* enjoyed this play on alternate history.
Best homeschooling book? I read shockingly little in the homeschooling genre aside from my yearly re-reads of The Core by Leigh Bortins, The Well-Trained Mind
by Susan Wise Bauer and Real Learning by Elizabeth Foss. I think I can safely say that it's a reflection on how satisfied I am with our current learning pursuits. I don't really feel the need to explore other homeschooling methods/materials right now.
Worst book that you managed to finish? I don't really read bad books any more. I bail if I'm about 3 chapters in and I'm not interested by the main character. If I make it 4-5 chapters but the book hasn't really gone anywhere I ditch it too.
That being said I will commit urban fantasy sacrilege and admit that I *really* didn't like City of Bones. It was just okay for me until I got to those last few chapters- I really had to force my way through. Without spoilers I'll just say I won't be seeing the movie unless I hear of a significant alteration in storyline.
Most disappointing Book? Mark of Athena. I don't know why I keep reading Percy Jackson books when I'm always so disappointed in the actual writing itself.
Best book-that-was-better-than-the-movie? Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith. The movie was perfectly fine (a little gory for me, but it IS a vampire thing after all) but as is usually the case, not as good as the book.
Most over-hyped book of the year? Hands down, City of Bones.
Best young adult book of the year? The Giver. I know it's not new, but it was my best read this year.
Book you’ve been meaning to read for years and finally got to? None this year, but I mean to tackle a few books on this list this year.
Read aloud that the family enjoyed the most? Several of the Magic Treehouse books have been light reads alongside our history reading this year and I think the one that really stood out to the boys was Hour of the Olympics.
Best non-fiction? Story of Science. I had a woefully sad science education, and I asked around for a really good place to start for foundational understanding for myself and this series was suggested. I'm working my way through and I think we're going to use the books as a basis for science ed starting in the next year or two.
All-around best story of the year? The Help. I don't think I've mentioned this one yet and it deserves a mention. This is not a book I would typically pick up but I did so after the recommendations of a few trusted reader friends and I *really* liked it.
Book that you feel is so integral to your library, you’d even pay full price for it? This year it has been my canning books. Favorites include Canning for a New Generation, The Ball Home Preserving Book, and my new favorite Food in Jars.
Complete List of Fiction: (goal- 20)
1. Legend by Marie Liu (February)
2. The Taker by Alma Katsu (March)
3. A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers (March)
4. Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (April)
5. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins (April)
6. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins (April)
7. City of Bones by Cassandra Clare (May)
8. Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith (June)
9. The Help by Kathryn Stockett (July)
10. Divergent by Veronica Roth (August)
11. The Giver by Lois Lowry (September)
12. Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry (September)
13. The Messenger by Lois Lowry (September)
14. Insurgent by Veronica Roth (October)
15. Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan (December)
1. Story of Science: Aristotle Leads the Way
2. Food in Jars
3. Put 'Em Up
4. Homemade Soda
5. Simple Food
Knitting and other craft books:
1. Knitting Rules! by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
2. Big Book of Knitted Monsters by Rebecca Danger
3. Things I learned from Knitting by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
4. Oliver + S Little Things to Sew by Liesl Gibson
5. Vintage Modern Knits by Courtney Kelley
6. The Knitter's Year by Debbie Bliss
7. Vintage Baby Knits by Kristen Rengren
8. Finishing School by Deborah Newton
9. Principles of Knitting by June Hiatt