Thursday, June 25, 2009

New Work: Montessori 3-6

I spent a lot of the weekend hunting down a few new things for our homeschool with the focus on three things: The new activity/item must serve the goals that Superman and I have worked out in the last few weeks, it must be simple to make and maintain, spend less than $10 total. Tall order, I know! But I looked through the Montessori 3-6 albums that I have and my Montessori 3-6 List to remind myself of everything that has been presented to the boys. I also looked through my copies of Basic Montessori and Montessori from the Start along with some of my favorite Montessori blogs.


I'm going to present extensions to some work, but I've also collected a few new ideas to introduce in the coming weeks. Not all are strictly Montessori, but they are fun!


First is a nice little version of Uno that I found while looking through My Montessori Journey. She linked to Kelly's Kindergarten- what a site! She has quite a collection of blackline printables that make the files invaluable- you can program them for whatever your child is working on. I chose the Sightword Uno Cars file (since both of my loves are in love with the movie Cars) and I programmed it with sight words for Ender. I printed the 6 pages in the file then another set of just the sight word cards with a few different words and a few blank cards. The blank cards make a great matching game for Ezra!


I'm also going to present pin punching soon. I think we'll start with some small simple shapes, with the intention of having shapes available that match up with what we're learning about in other areas.


We started to do a little work with addition and subtraction this week, so our next step forward is working with equation cards like the ones at My Montessori Journey. Our manipulative cabinet is not quite as big yet, but it's growing! Right now we work together talking through each problem and working the problem with manipulatives. This has been the first thing Ender has asked about every morning this week. " Can I play more of that math game?"


I'm going to give another try at presenting the sand tray for letter and number writing. Ender did NOT like it when we tried a few months ago because of the texture. He is really sensitive about tactile experiences, but recently he's felt okay to walk on sand barefoot at the lake, so I hope that with a little prep he'll try to work with the sand tray. His goal is to write words on paper and this will guide him to his goal as long as he's willing to try.


I also made a graphing sheet similar to the one in this post at My Montessori  Journey. Ours obviously won't be Easter themed; we're going to use a regular die for now to help him get used to working with the die before using dice in other work.

1 comment:

  1. Pin punching was used a lot in the preschool our two children attended. Now that DD has a stepson with a need for fine motor skills, I wish she'd bring this activity back and use it with him. He is impatient and sloppy and I think if the project were presented in an appealing way, it could help with all sorts of things, even his horrid printing. As with everything though, it goes slowly when his Mom is not on board. His teachers allow him to get away with sloppiness. DD makes him repeat messy homework, even has him use squared paper. Now the teachers see that he CAN write neatly if asked to. Yes, it is JUNE, grade 4, and they are finally catching on. Tomorrow is his last day of classes....
    Maybe I'll assemble the supplies for when he visits for a few days in August. Of yes, and he is left handed too.
    End of vent.


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