Thursday, October 16, 2008

No Pictures?!?

I know, I know- I promised pictures on Monday, and they're not here! I'm having some, ahem, "technical difficulties." The first little problem would be my my son-  you know the little one that thinks he's Super-Toddler? Yeah that one. He's been working overtime on climbing, destroying and generally being a boy. Time I'd planned for teaching and sewing on Tuesday was diverted into an unexpected doctor's visit after he tried to fly off the dining table. He's bruised, but okay otherwise- he hasn't slowed down, that's for sure! Yesterday involved falling off the couch, smashing his hand in a door, and making 50 gazillion trips up and down the stairs- him scrambling up as fast as he could about half way and me getting him back down. Who needs regular exercise when you have a fifteen-month-old?

The other difficulty actually is a technical one: my camera card won't speak to my computer for some reason. Superman has promised to take a look at it this evening so I can get pictures put up- or else I'll borrow my sister's camera and computer this weekend.

I've been sewing during nap time/quiet time and after the boys go to bed. It has been so nice to quilt again. The last quilt I made was for Big Kid before he was born. Since then my crafting efforts have gone other places, and making this quilt has reminded me of how much I like quilting. I think I might plan another project to take me through winter.

Today I'm working today until 7:30 then Superman and I have a date planned, so I probably won't sew today, but I'll get back to it tomorrow afternoon during naps. I've finished most of the muslin blocks, but I still have a few more to do tomorrow, then on to the strip piecing. I''ve readjusted my plan and I hope to get all the strips pieced and cut down. I really hope to get to the block piecing, because I know that once I start that part I won't want to stop and the quilt will suddenly be done. :)

1 comment:

  1. Any news on the quilt?

    Just curious...


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