Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Choosing to See

It wasn't long ago that big changes were made in this house.

It was born out of the decision to choose to see truth, to ignore the thoughts of "not good enough", "never measure up" and the most difficult to conquer: "you should give up".

The change here is mostly me. I was the one believing the lies that my work was for nothing, that my words were missed, that my prayers meant little.This quiet girl follows a necessarily busy schedule in this season of life, and often that schedule bleeds into the bits of solitude meant to lift me up when I'm overwhelmed.

Suddenly that weariness doesn't seem to matter any more. Just a few days after I finally began to choose God's promises over lies, I was humbled to see a 4 year journey of prayer over one soul finally come to it's hoped for conclusion. A soul pulled close to God, changed to new life.

I had begun to wonder if that could still happened- if someone could truly change after so many years apart from God and His word. And I wondered . . . perhaps he was unable to hear God's whispers to his heart because I had yet to fully submit myself to the whispers God had poured into my heart. After all, prayer means little when it is only habit and not born out of fervency.

Now I pray God's promises: 

Though I sin I am forgiven again and again.

Though life is sometimes a struggle, God has a purpose.

God finishes the work He begins in us.

And I live with those truths written on cards in my purse, on the clipboard I carry through each lesson I teach, on the wall in our little school room, next to my alarm clock before I fall asleep. God works truth into my heart and opens my eyes a bit at a time to the abundant grace He grants us each day.

In the midst of undone laundry, spilled milk, and a tight schedule He gives progress, smiles, light . . . and sometimes a calling.

This time I said yes.

Ann Voskamp invites us to consider *having eyes that truly see* this week. For more posts on this topic, visit Holy Experience:


  1. What a sobering thought... that our lives are an integral part of God's call on another person... our commitment to Him matters. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Hi Erin--so nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my place today with your encouraging words. How exciting, bearing witness to a soul transformed by grace. I still am astonished--every, every time. Jesus truly saves!

  3. Wow. You have been faithful and how rewarding to see that what you've been praying for is coming to pass! God is so good.


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