Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tour de Fleece Redux

I apologize for no post yesterday, but after having family in from out of town all weekend and then reporting for jury duty yesterday, a post just didn't happen. Tour de Fleece ended on Sunday though, and I wanted to be sure to share my progress and where I finished up.

I started with the goal to spin for at least 15 minutes every day, but I was making such great progress part way through the challenge that I started pushing myself to finish spinning all of the singles for that particular fiber by the end and even secretly hoped that I might finish all the plying too.

I got pretty darn close to that final goal. Wrapped around my makeshift Niddy-Noddy (also known as the lid to a plastic Rubbermaid tote that happens to measure 37.5 inches around) is the last bit that I plied on Sunday night and I have just one more plying ball wrapped around that blue pencil. I'll end up with approximately 300 yards of a light fingering weight yarn. You can see in the picture that I under-plied some areas- plying is still very new to me and I think I got better at putting more twist in as I went, but I'm still not sure it's enough. I'm working on plying research this week- I know I still have a lot of work to do on this particular skill.

I already started spinning another fiber. Knitting needles are not allowed in the courthouse, but spindles are so I used my great expanse of time waiting around during jury duty to start spinning something new. It's "White Wool Top" that I bought at the shop I took a class at back in February- it's apparently a mix of unspecified breeds that is supposed to be great for beginners to work with and I bought it on that recommendation. I'm not finding it difficult to work with, just a lot different to draft than the fiber I just finished working with.

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